
From livestockexchange ilriwikis
Quote from Shenggen Fan, Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

"...What an innovative word: “LivesSTOCK Exchange”. I have immense respect for Carlos. Under his leadership, ILRI has transformed itself to a highly reputable institute that has generated technologies, farming practices, knowledge products with very sharp focus on smallholders and poor. The partnership between IFPRI and ILRI has also thrived during his tenure: RESAKSS, CRP4, Avian Flu and Aflacontrol, just to name a few. Of course, hosting ISNAR, KCID and now the regional office and ESSP really provides a gateway for IFPRI in the region. During my first years of IFPRI DG, I often consulted him on center management and CGIAR reforms. He is like a mentor to me.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to travel to Addis during these two days. The next Fund Council meeting will be held in Rome on November 8 and 9, which I may have to attend. In addition, there will be a high level conference on climate change in Beijing from November 8 to 10.

In case I cannot attend, I will ask one of our directors to participate on my behalf.

13 August 2011