KMIS reflections about the Livestock Exchange
From livestockexchange ilriwikis
What we did:
What we learnt:
What we should mention in the blog post:
What we learnt:
What we should mention in the blog post:
Results from KMIS ADDIS after action review:
Lessons learnt
What was good:
- Good engagement – difficult to ;
- 30-min breaks are great;
- Get crowd managers to push and shove folks into the tents;
- Great mesheta and all social events were good;
- Hard seat interviews were good;
- Issue briefs were well organised;
- Everyone helped when they could;
- Tweeting and Yammering, blogging went well;
What will we do differently?
- Marketplace disorganised:
- PC to do live demo: comms clinic;
- Invest in good quality poster boards;
- Wind screening solution: tents with walls;
- Buy better stands;
- Take responsibility for your own stand: collect all the stuff we displayed;
- Tidy up the marketplace after it happened;
- Prepare information about the stands;
- Plan printing out (purchasing toner early upfront) / speakers;
- Communication among ourselves – organise a weekly email (or wiki page) about what’s going on on various fronts;
- Update the wiki properly: update a) logistics b) process and c) content;
- Organise an AAR with all parties involved;
- Instruct presenters on the type of presentations they’re preparing;
- Prepare group of reporters / train them?
- Prepare generic guidelines for social reporting and for preparing presentations?
- Ask speakers to test out and time the presentations;
- Use the yellow/red card signs for time management;
- Communicate to logistical team the exact times for each session to make sure they have people on standby;
- Prepare printouts of all the statements in advance.
- Get all tables ready
- Long testimonies for Carlos without dinner -> Have it as part of the dinner?
- Gifts ceremony to plan;
- Good to have a pre-party the week before;
- We kept flexible;
- Timeline: next time explain how it works in public;
- Gather all markers every day or they get nicked;