Issue briefs

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Issue Briefs: Outline and Scope

Final list on Mahider:
  1. What’s in it for me? Ten lessons on multi-stakeholder networks
  2. Crop residues in smallholder systems: Pressures and trade-offs
  3. Livestock and climate change
  4. Rangeland-based livestock production systems in the arid and semi-arid tropics: Challenges and opportunities
  5. Opportunities for water-efficient livestock production
  6. Why chicken research for development?
  7. Global research with regional relevance—How ILRI works in different parts of the world
  8. Outcomes and impacts of ILRI research 2005-2010
  9. Information systems on domestic animal genetic resources
  10. Agriculture-associated diseases research at ILRI: Food, farming and human health
  11. Agriculture-associated diseases research at ILRI: Safe foods in informal markets
  12. Agriculture-associated diseases research at ILRI: Emerging infectious diseases
  13. Agriculture-associated diseases research at ILRI: Neglected zoonoses
  14. Livestock capacity development approaches: IPMS project experiences
  15. The interface of market access and SPS requirements: Lessons from recent ILRI research in Africa
  16. Animal-source foods in the developing world: Demand for quality and safety
  17. Changing approaches to pro-poor livestock market development: Innovation and upgrading in the value chain
  18. Mass artificial insemination interventions to enhance dairy and beef production in Ethiopia
  19. Smallholder competitiveness and market-driven technology uptake

For the two-day meeting in Addis Ababa, and as part of the preceding conversations and discussion, we want to draw on a series of short ‘issue briefs’ that synthesize our work in 4 key issue areas (see the science scope note.) and give some direction for future livestock research for development.
These briefs need not be totally original pieces – they should preferably draw on existing pieces of work ‘in the pipeline’ or recently published.

The target audience comprises: ILRI staff, Board, funders, associates; ILRI research and development partners and organizations like them; policy influencers and shapers.

We look for a 4-page brief (modeled on [1]); approximately 2500 words.

Each issue brief should:

  • Document what we, and the wider livestock research for development community, learned in the past 5-10 years. What were the challenges? What were some outcomes? Include the key evidence of change or impact?
  • Set out the current situation with regard to this issue, explaining any key aspects of ILRI’s role/contribution/position in this.
  • Explore expected emerging future tough issues/directions for ILRI and the wider community, and options that might address them.
  • Include a short list of key readings/evidence on the topic
  • Include contributions from different ILRI teams and physical locations, as well as any outside or former ILRI expertise

We do not look for comprehensive literature reviews or analysis; rather an overview synthesis of where an issue stands at this moment and ILRI’s engagement/role with it – now and potentially in the future. This needs to be evidence-based and credible.

Draft briefs should be made available as early as possible so we can share them with the wider community in an effort to solicit comments and feedback. Final drafts will be made available to participants in the face to face meeting, and will be the basis for debate and discussion.