Animal health, food safety and zoonoses

From livestockexchange ilriwikis
...A few more suggestions
  • It might be interesting to do some ‘phylogenetic trees’ of how research has changed over the Carlos period. Attached is a draft I did for emergence of human health/livestock issues at ILRI.
  • A time line would be easy to develop with the big events of the last 10 years
  • Keeping with the perspective theme rather than conventional policy briefs we could do briefs on “What we know now that we didn’t know then” -- this would be key research findings of the last 10 years
  • Also a ‘next 10 years’ or vision 2021 – this could fit with the CRPs and the key outputs, outcomes and impacts we want to see in 10 years
[File:octet-stream.png external image octet-stream.png] [[File:OWOH+PHYLOGENY.doc.lnk|OWOH PHYLOGENY.doc.lnk]]
Delia Grace
Team Leader, Animal health, food safety and zoonoses
23 July 2011